Nähtyäni tuon twiitin piti tietenkin heti - kun ehdin - testata, löytyykö avoimesta aineistosta Suomen historiaa ja/tai kulttuuria sivuavaa tutkimusta. Ja tottakai löytyi. Linkeissä on hieman epästabiili fiilis, mutta tarvittaessa voi hakea otsikolla uudelleen.
- Ersoy, Ersev: Social reality and mythic worlds : reflections on folk belief and the supernatural in James Macpherson's Ossian and Elias Lönnrot's Kalevala
- Ashby, Charlotte: Words and deeds : national style versus modernity in Finnish architecture 1890-1916 : the writings and work of Vilho Penttilä and the architecture of financial institutions
- Buchwald, Eva: Ideals of womanhood in the literature of Finland and Russia 1894-1914
- Lehto, Mandy: The unfinished civil war and the politics of remembrance in Finland, 1918-1928
- Loipponen, Jaana: Telling absence : war widows, loss and memory
- Holmila, Matti Lauri Antero: Framing Genocide: Early Interpretations of the Holocaust in the British, Swedish and Finnish Press 1945-1950
- Jensen-Eriksen, Henri Niklas: Market, competitor or battlefield? : British foreign economic policy, Finland and the Cold War, 1950-1970
- Hyry, Martti: Industrial growth and development in Northern Finland : the case of Oulu 1970-2002
- Pennanen, Paula: Policies and impacts of urban regeneration : waterfront redevelopment in Helsinki, Finland 1980-2000
- Prindiville, N. J. B.: The return of the Ingrian Finns : ethnicity, identity and reforms in Finland's Return Immigration Policy 1990-2010
- Krause, Franz: Thinking like a river : an anthropology of water and its uses along the Kemi River, Northern Finland
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