lauantai 23. toukokuuta 2015

Sikurin paluu ja näkemys Viipurista 1810-luvun alussa

Kirjoitettuani sikurista
... Et-lehti teki jutun Suomessa on museo melkein kaikesta – katso lista A:sta Ö:hön. Listassa on Sikurimuseo, jollaista en todellakaan tiennyt Suomessa olevan.

... Kesäkuussa väittelevän Ulla Ijäksen väitöskirja Talo, kartano, puutarha. Kauppahuoneen omistaja Marie Hackman ja hänen kulutusvalintansa varhaismodernissa Viipurissa ilmestyi verkossa. Hackmanhan tuotemerkkeineen esiintyi sikuritekstissäni ja Ijäksen tutkimuksessa vilahtelee sikuri aika usein.
Maria Hackman vaikutti Viipurissa, josta hänen aikanaan Suomen läpi matkannut John Thomas James kirjoitti kirjassaan Journal of a tour in Germany, Sweden, Russia, Poland in 1813-14 (Vol 1) näin 
On waking at an early hour after a sound sleep in my sledge, I gazed with wonder at the spectacle that presented itself in the streets of Wyborg: the glare of white houses, their green roofs and oriental cupolas, the noble mansions of the wealthy, and the religious fane, all so spacious and splendid in comparison of what we had lately been accustomed to see; and yet above all, the new costume of the by-standers dressed in long blue caftans, their bare necks, their flowing beards, their sash, cap and boots of red, were altogether objects so singular, that the spectacle impressed itself on my mind rather as a dream of the morning than as a scene of real life. - The men seemed quite another race of beings; no longer the modest homely Fin, but persons of strong masculine habit, carrying a stubborn and listless mien, that, combined with their majestic stature, seemed by no means devoid of dignity: while the coloured ornaments with which they were set off lent them an air of grotesque magnificence, not ill according with the shewy buildings that surrounded us; every object, in short, which met our eyes, partook of the same character, and bore a hint of Asiatic origin. [...]
On quitting the environs of this town, all the gaudy splendour we had so much admired instantly vanished, and we found ourselves again transported to the forests, and the rocks, and boundless regions of snow. The villages we saw were of the meanest appearance and character, for whatsoever in Russia is not made for display and show is poor indeed; and by or recollection of the different state of things we had left behind, Sweden was now as much raised as she had before been sunk on comparison. Instead of the neat-built red-ochred cottages, the road-side was disfigured by large dismal huts with walls made of the round trunks of trees barely stripped of their bark, and resembling, externally a casual pile of timber, rather than a human dwelling. The interstices of this frame-work were caulked with moss and clay, and though a few glazed windows were seen, their place was generally supplied by square open crannies.
Kuva reestä leikattu talvimarkkinoilta (1803).

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