tiistai 11. lokakuuta 2011

Sotaisia uutisia marraskuussa 1713

Hampuri 21.11. (London Gazette 17.11.1713): "They are preparing at Stockholm, with great Diligence, to send a Reinforcement of Six thousand Men into Finland, in order to hinder the Czar from making an Irruption into Sweden on that side. These Troops are to be commanded by the Generals Lieve, Taube and Schommer."

Hampuri 1.12. (London Gazette 28.11.1713): "Letters from Sweden bring an Account, that their Army in Finland had been defeated by the Muscovites between Tavasthus and Vasa. The Loss of the Battle was imputed to the Horse, that went away upon the first Discharge, leaving the Foot exposed to their Enemies, who kill'ed a great number of them, and took Fifteen hundred Prisoners. The Senate of Stockholm being inform'd of the Misfortune, immediately countermanded Six thousand Men that were ready to be Transported into Finland, as being of no further use in that Province, which is now look'ed upon to be entirely lost. The States of the Kingdom were very pressing with the Senate to make Peace."

Kostianvirran taistelun (6.10.1713) häviö siis "hevosen" syytä. Tarkoitettaneen ratsuväkeä.

5 kommenttia:

  1. Armfelt ei saanut ratsuväkeä auttamaan järven yli koukanneiden venäläisten torjumisessa, vaan puolet pakeni. Jalkaväki (Foot) oli avuton ylivoiman edessä. Taas yksi noita huonosti hoidettuja sotia ja taisteluita...

  2. Kiitoksia tiedosta Kaisa Kyläkoski.Luin mielenkiinnolla Vihavaisen näkemyksen slangin synnystä.
    Terv.Stadin friidu

  3. Jeps,
    Regiment of Foot = jalkaväkirykmentti
    Regiment of Horse = ratsuväkirykmentti.

  4. Nuo ovat ihan loogisia ja ymmärrettäviä. Mutta man of war=sotalaiva menee yli hilseen. Joku selitys kai sillekin.

  5. Entäs East Indiaman eli Itä-Intian mies/purjelaiva? :-)
